What is Epistemic Welfare? A Glossary of Key Terms

December 12, 2023

This document represents an initial output from the collaborative efforts of the FWO project on Understanding Algorithmic Gatekeepers and Promoting Epistemic Welfare (ALGEPI). Work package 1 (WP1) titled ‘Conceptualising Epistemic Welfare and Algorithmic Gatekeepers’ is led by the KU Leuven Center for IT and IP Law. All participating consortium partners have been collectively assigned to contribute to this task, which focuses on establishing normative theories underpinning epistemic welfare. Amongst various expected deliverables, this document serves as our preliminary contribution, offering a shared understanding of constitutive elements of epistemic welfare with a glossary of key terms in epistemic welfare.

The document includes a clear definition of concepts such as:

  • Epistemic Welfare
  • Epistemic Agency
  • Epistemic Communities
  • Epistemic Crisis
  • Epistemic Paternalism
  • Epistemic Rights
  • Epistemic Well-being

Would you like to know more? Check it out!

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