This publication is a concept note stemming from Work Package 1 (WP1) led by the KU Leuven Center for IT and IP Law and synthesizes the efforts of all consortium partners aimed at developing normative theories underpinning Epistemic Welfare. Building upon the Glossary of Key Terms, the document encapsulates Task 1.1’s findings, presenting a cohesive conceptual framework for Epistemic Welfare.
Structured to offer a comprehensive overview, the concept note underscores the critical need to comprehend and navigate the evolving digital landscape. ALGEPI’s mission extends beyond fostering discussions on Epistemic Welfare; it seeks to pioneer measures of ‘epistemic welfare by design’ to safeguard digital users’ rights and well-being.
At its core, the concept of “Epistemic Welfare” emerges as pivotal in understanding knowledge interaction within today’s digital society, transcending mere access to information to empower individuals and communities in knowledge production and dissemination, thereby shaping our collective understanding.
As it progresses beyond its initial year, the ALGEPI Project refines its theoretical approach, analyses interactions among digital actors, and identifies the conditions that either facilitate or obstruct Epistemic Welfare. Its objective is to formulate practical strategies and guidelines, based on thorough legal and policy analysis, to ensure algorithmic systems promote Epistemic Welfare.
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