Consortium partners
ALGEPI offers the opportunity for all partners to embark on a joint, integrated exploration of epistemic welfare. Two research groups have strong expertise in technical aspects: NADI and Human-IST. CiTiP has undisputable expertise in regulatory aspects, and other research groups also have strong expertise there, in particular AMSoC and SMIT. The remaining organisations belong to media and communication studies, with complementary expertise: ReSIC’s focus is on discourse analysis; AMSoC on media uses; SMIT on diversity and on business models; DCM on media policy. This reflects the interdisciplinary nature of media and communication studies.

Adelaida Afilipoaie
Senior Researcher – SMIT
Adelaida is a senior researcher in the field of media policy, with an affinity for electronic communications networks and services, and online platforms. Right after graduating Adelaida conducted her PhD on the regulatory frameworks at the EU and Member States level, and their ability to address the online platform power concerns, which she finalized in 2023. Currently, Adelaida is conducting postdoctoral research for several projects (Fair MusE, ALGEPI and GMICP).

Aina Errando
PhD Researcher – SMIT
Aina is a PhD Researcher at imec-SMIT, Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Her primary focus revolves around algorithms in media strategies, particularly within the realm of news recommender systems and news personalisation. Her work looks into the ways in which algorithms are used in the development and implementation of media strategies, and hence, how algorithms are employed by media.

Heritiana Ranaivoson
Research Professor – SMIT
Heritiana Ranaivoson is Professor and Senior Researcher at imec-SMIT-VUB in the Media Economic & Policy Unit since 2010. Having led several research projects at international, national and local levels, he is currently coordinator for ALGEPI. He has published extensively in the fields of cultural and media diversity, media innovation, media policy, audiovisual platforms, and the role of recommender systems in cultural industries.

Pieter Ballon
SMIT Director
Pieter Ballon, professor in the Department of Communication Sciences, is the vice-rector for Research. As director of SMIT (Studies in Media, Innovation & Technology), a joint research centre of VUB and imec, he leads one of Europe’s largest social science research groups on digital media and smart technology. He is also co-founder of the European Network of Living Labs and the Hannah Arendt Institute.

Aaron Hyzen
Postdoctoral Fellow – AMSoC
Aaron Hyzen, PhD, is a researcher in the Antwerp Media in Society Centre (AMSoC) at the University of Antwerp. His work is focused on reconceptualizing the notion of propaganda by clarifying the relationships between propaganda, ideology and political economy. Further interests include mis/disinformation, state propaganda and conspiracy theories in the “post-truth” era and digital age.

Steve Paulussen
Associate Professor – AMSoC
Steve Paulussen (PhD) is a professor of media and journalism studies at the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. His research focuses on change and innovations in news and journalism. He has published on topics such as audience participation and engagement in journalism, diversity in news, changing news use, newsroom innovation, journalists’ use of social media, and the datafication of journalism.

Hilde van den Bulck
Professor – AMSoC
Hilde Van den Bulck (PhD) is a professor of communication studies who combines expertise in media structures and policies with expertise in media culture. She focuses on the impact of digitization on legacy media, most recently looking at the impact of platformization, datafication and algorithmization, especially on public service media and their impact on audiences trust in legacy media.

Lidia Dutkiewicz
PhD Researcher – CiTiP
Lidia Dutkiewicz is a Doctoral Researcher at the KU Leuven Centre for IT & IP Law – imec with a focus on media law, AI, and fundamental rights. In her PhD research, she analyses the regulation of online platforms from a freedom of expression perspective and the impact of algorithmic content moderation on news content. She is in particular interested in how the phenomenon of “platformization” of news distribution impacts media freedom, media pluralism, and editorial independence of media organizations.

Bruno Lefèvre
Postdoctoral Researcher – ReSIC
Bruno Lefèvre is a specialist in the field of cultural industries, creative industries and the creative economy. Through the socio-economy and political economy of communication, he examines the correlations between global social and economic phenomena and the modes of organisation and cooperation of local actors. He is also in charge of the French Market for international research programs: GMIC project conducted in 42 countries, SVoD platforms and Diversity, Civil protests and public policies.

Juliette Parmentier
PhD Researcher – ReSIC and NADI
Juliette began a PhD at ULB’s Information and Communication Sciences Department and the Computer Science Department of the University of Namur in 2023. Her path has been shaped by a dual interest in literature and digital technology. As part of her doctoral thesis, which focuses on the use of algorithms and recommendation systems in the book industry, she’ll be able to explore these topics in greater depth.

Louis Wiart
Full Professor – ReSIC
Louis Wiart is currently Professor and Researcher in communication sciences at ULB’s Faculty of Letters, Translation and Communication. He obtained a PhD from Sorbonne Paris Nord University in 2015 for his dissertation on social networking platforms for book readers. His interests include the cultural and creative industries and delves into matters related to industry, finance, globalization, and public policy.

Denis Lalanne
Full Professor – Human-IST
Denis Lalanne is a full professor in the Department of Informatics at the University of Fribourg and director of the Human-IST institute. He is notably heading the “human-building interaction” group in the smart living lab and presides the scientific committee of the Swiss Center on Augmented Intelligence. His expertise covers various domains of Human Computer Interaction, such as multimodal user interfaces, information visualization, and human-centered artificial intelligence.

Raphaël Tuor
PhD Researcher – Human-IST
Raphaël Tuor is a junior researcher at the Human-IST Institute, University of Fribourg (Fribourg, Switzerland). His specialization encompasses data visualization, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), and eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI). Raphaël’s current focus within the ALGEPI project revolves around investigating the significant impact of algorithmic gatekeepers on the values associated with epistemic welfare.

Bruno Dumas
Full Professor – NADI
Bruno is a professor at the computer science faculty of the University of Namur, and the vice-president of the Namur Digital Institute (NADI). He obtained his PhD in computer science in 2010 at the University of Fribourg, in Switzerland. His PhD thesis focused on the creation of multimodal interfaces. Since 2014, he is leading the EXUI research group, where he and his team are helping deepening our knowledge around human-computer interaction, multimodal interfaces, augmented/mixed reality and explainable AI.

Manuel Puppis
Full Professor – DCM
Manuel Puppis is Full Professor of Media Structures and Governance in the Department of Communication and Media Research DCM, University of Fribourg. He currently serves as vice-chair of the Swiss Federal Media Commission (FMEC) and of the Council of Europe Committee of Experts on Increasing Resilience of Media (MSI-RES). His research interests include media policy, media regulation and media governance, media systems in a comparative perspective, the digitalization and platformization of the public sphere, media organizations and journalism, as well as media economics and critical political economy.